NLHA Annual Membership Meeting Registration

NLHA hosts several educational seminars and two members-only meetings per year.

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2025 Annual Meeting

Practitioner’s Guide to Assisted Housing and Mastering the Housing Choice Voucher Program

June 18 – 20, 2025

Washington Marriott Georgetown Hotel, Washington, DC
1221 22nd St., NW
Washington, DC 20037
Reservations: 202-872-1500

Cut-off date: Monday, June 3, 2025
Hotel rate: $287 single/double per night plus taxes
Book your group rate today for NLHA’s Annual Meeting

Please note that the group rate is also available before and after the meeting for those who would like to arrive early or stay late, although you will need to contact Cindy Bitterman at to activate the extra nights. Also, when you book within the group block, there is no “daily activity fee”. If you have ANY difficulty in booking rooms, please reach out to Cindy Bitterman at or 757-410-2675.

    Please Invoice Me for $ to cover registration(s).

    Online Payment Form

    To pay with a credit card, CLICK HERE.


    Members: $695 per person

    Non-Members: $825 per person

    • $50 discount available for multiple registrations from one organization (2 or more)

    • One registration form per registrant, please.

    • SUSTAINING MEMBERS RECEIVE ONE FREE REGISTRATION - Additional registrants from the same organization can attend at half price. Sustaining member organizations receive special tuition rates. Please contact the NLHA office to inquire about upgrading your membership.

    If you plan to attend our program and need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please note this below or contact the NLHA office at 202.785.8888 as soon as possible.

    Cancellation and Changes

    Registration fees are refundable less a $100 administrative charge if notification of cancellation is prior to seminar start date. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after the seminars have begun. The meeting may be changed or canceled at the sponsor's option or as circumstances require. Only paid registrants will be admitted.

    Mail registration form along with payment to:

    National Leased Housing Association

    Attn: Nanette Rogers
    1900 L Street, NW, #300
    Washington, DC 20036
    (p) 202.785.8888 ■ (f) 202.785.2008

    Hotel Information

    Washington Marriott Georgetown
    1221 22nd Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20037
    Hotel Reservations
    Phone: 202-872-1500
    Hotel rate: $287 single/double per night plus taxes
    Cut-off date: Monday, June 3, 2025
    Book Online: Washington Marriott Georgetown

    If you have any difficulty in making a reservation, please email NLHA Meeting Coordinator Cindy Bitterman at

    Not an NLHA Member? Click the radio button to the left to become an NLHA member.

    NLHA Membership Application:

    If your organization is not currently a member of NLHA, you may register at the lower member rate, by sending along your first year's dues with this registration form. Select the appropriate "Member Category" in the below form.

    Upon receipt and acceptance of your membership application, an invoice for annual dues will be mailed. Your organization's membership will be activated upon receipt of payment.

    Member Categories

    Private Member

    For-Profit Organization

    Affiliate Private Member $690 annually

    An affiliate private member is any sole proprietors and small for-profit organizations with annual budgets of less than $2 million per year.

    Standard Private Member $1,200 annually

    A standard private member is any individuals or firm with an operating budget in excess of $2 million directly involved in or providing professional services related to the management, production, ownership of financing of rental housing. This category includes builders, developers, financiers, lawyers, managers, architects and accountants.

    Sustaining Private Member $2,650 annually

    Any for-profit organization involved in government assisted rental housing programs. A sustaining membership includes one free admission to each seminar/meeting sponsored by NLHA during a calendar year as well as substantial discounts for other registrants. Sustaining members are eligible to apply for board membership and receive an additional subscription to the monthly newsletter as well as special recognition on literature and other discounts.

    Public Member

    Public Agency and Non-Profit Organization

    Standard Public Member $600 per calendar year

    A PHA or other non-profit entities concerned with any phase of a rental housing program that has an operating budget exceeding $2 million dollars or administers a voucher program of less then 800 units.

    Large Agency / Non-profit Public Member $1,200 per calendar year

    A PHA or other non-profit entities concerned with any phase of a rental housing program that has an operating budget exceeding $2 million dollars or administers a voucher program of more then 800 units.

    Sustaining Public Member $2,650 per calendar year

    Any public agency or non-profit organization involved in government assisted rental housing programs. A sustaining membership includes one free admission to each seminar/meeting sponsored by NLHA during a calendar year as well as substantial discounts for other registrants. Sustaining members are eligible to apply for board membership and receive an additional subscription to the monthly newsletter as well as special recognition on literature and other discounts.


    Amount to be Invoiced for membership of $